On Monday, I got to say goodbye to everyone in Pueblo. We had a good pday and met up at the church to play scatter ball. It was good to be around all my buds.
That night, we had a good last dinner with the Avery's and he is so close to going to the temple! Then we went and saw the Cooks to say goodbye. They were super sweet and got me a departing present. Then we went over to the Martins to say goodbye. I am really going to miss a lot of families in Pueblo.
On Tuesday, I got everything completely packed up and shoved it into the car. I traveled up with Elder Laga so I said my goodbyes to Elder Perrins. He will do great in the area. I got to see a bunch of people at transfers and got to say some goodbyes. Sister 'Iongi was going home which is really crazy to think about. Eventually I met my new companion! Elder Luker is from Idaho and has been out a little less than I have. I am super excited for it all. We went and did some service with Elder Henning and Elder Johannesson at the YMCA. We helped clean up around the gym. We had dinner with the Harlines. Brother Harline is in the bishopric for our ward. It was delicious.
On Wednesday, we had to go and take some elders to the mission office so they could get their phone fixed. After that, we went and did some service at an assisted living home and played some bingo with the tenants there. It seems pretty common for missionaries to do service at those places. Afterwards, we met with one of the recent converts Jhasmine. She is 19 and has been a member for a couple of months now. We talked about missionary work and discussed how she could share the gospel with those around her. We talked about her Brother and helping him come to activities and stuff. It was a great lesson. We had dinner at Village Inn with the Relief Society President, Kristina T. It was good because I got to meet a lot of the YSA sisters there too.
On Thursday, we went shopping because we had no groceries due to transfers. So we went to the store and Elder Luker picked up some medication because he was feelin pretty sick. After we had lunch, Elder Luker was not feeling good so he laid down to rest. While he was doing that I just had to keep myself busy so I started cleaning up the apartment. Dinner was with Mitch and Riley, two cool guys and they took us to a Japanese restaurant where we had sushi! This sushi wasn't as bad for me because there was no seaweed. We had shrimp, crab, and salmon sushi. It was delicious. We then went to the church and had a lesson with another recent convert Gilbert. We talked about missionary work and he is super fired up to share the gospel. So as YSA missionaries, we are supposed to go to all of the YSA activities because that's where people bring their friends. So we go to institute, FHE, and the mingles. There was supposed to be institute on Thursday but because it was spring break, there was none, so the YSA just met up and played some volleyball haha. It was a good time!
On Friday, We had a good District meeting! I am still a district leader and got to teach a whole new batch of people. In the district are, Elder Luker (my comp), Elder Johannesson, Elder Henning, Elder B. Smith, Elder Wallace, Sister Anderson (She goes home with me), and Sister McFarland (greenie). It is a super fun district!
After that, we all had lunch at Wendy's. Then, Elder Luker and I went down to the southern part of springs to go and help Mike and Randi move from their apartment into their house! It was so good to see them again and it was good hard work. They rewarded us with pizza aferwards:) Every friday, there is a mingle and for this one, everyone was going to be learning Krav Maga! It's basically Israeli hand to hand combat. So we learned how to throw punches and what to do in certain situations haha it was super fun. Also Jhasmine brought her brother and he had a great time. Hopefully we can start teaching him soon.
On Saturday, we spent like the whole day watching general conference at the Pirazadeh's house with Gilbert too. It was so good! I love what was said by Gary B. Sabin when he said "We need to let go of the world so we can hang on to eternity." That was my highlight quote of the day for Saturday. The Priesthood session was awesome too I loved President Uchtdorf's talk in that one. He talked about selflessly serving. After Priesthood, we wanted to go to a Culver's for some ice cream. We were going to get in the car and as I was getting into Gilbert's yellow Prius, my pants ripped completely open haha. So we had to swing by the apartment so I could change.
We ended up going to a completely different culvers than we were planning to. There were a lot of Mormons there for the ice cream as tradition holds and it was crazy because we were in line and this lady asks if my family lives in Connecticut. I said yeah and she said that their family had met my dad when they were checking out Yale, but didn't know me. Well, because we were at this particular Culver's we were able to meet! Pretty crazy how it all works.
On Sunday, we watched more conference and got uplifted even more. It was good to see President Monson doing well. I liked the talk from Benjamin De Hoyos about letting your light shine and how to increase your light. Also, we got to hear from Elder Costa, who had just spoken in Pueblo when I was there only 3 months ago. His talk was awesome and was directed towards investigators. After conference, we went out and tried to contact people to teach. We met this man in the army at Memorial Park and got to talk to him about the Gospel! He accepted a Book of Mormon and we have his information to get in contact with him! He has a family so he won't attend the YSA ward. We will pass on the info to the missionaries in that area. We came home and made dinner for ourselves and then did call ins. It has been an awesome week and I hope that everyone had a great time watching conference. If you missed it, WATCH IT. Thanks for all the support and I love you all!
Elder LaRose
6480 Honey Grove Apt. 105
Colorado Springs, CO 80923
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