Hey family and friends! It's been another great week.
On Monday, we had a blast. We started off the day by going up to Monument to hike Mount Hermon with Elder Stark and Elder Johnson and their investigator Lizzie. Elder Constantine and I started a little later than them so we tried to catch up to them but took a wrong turn on a trail. So we just went until we could see the area and then went trail hopping and bush whacking until we caught up to them. It was a good long hike and our legs were super tired. The view at the top was so worth it too. Lizzie is super invested in the gospel and is just golden.
After we came back down, we drove back down to monitor an emergency transfer that was happening. Then we got groceries and cleaned the apartment before we met the Wolin's at the mission office to get ready to go to a Sky Sox game! The game was awesome and it was great being there with everyone. We were happy to see the Sky Sox win also:) It was a great night.
On Tuesday, We had exchanges with the Castle Rock Zone Leaders and that was fun:) We did some training on some logistical stuff with them and then had lunch. Afterward, I went with Elder Lloyd and did some finding and then some contacting at Memorial Park. We had a lot of good conversations with strangers. We then went to a apartment complex and stopped by Francis and Rafael to see how they were doing. We had a good lesson about the Plan of Salvation and it was good news to them. They are slowly coming around to the truth haha. We also had a lesson with Brother Jose Rodriguez and it was great. We then had dinner in Falcon and I went with Elder Filips. After dinner, we were surprised by Elder Mecham, one of the senior missionaries, with MORE Sky Sox tickets for that night. It was actually "Mormon night" and there were tons of people there from the stake! We got to go with some of our recent converts. I also got to see a lot of people from both Sand Creek and 3rd ward! That was really cool.
On Wednesday, we went to the Aeroplaza building for breakfast befor the Mission Leadership Council. I was asked to conduct that meeting and it went really well! We had a pretty productive time and decided on a couple of different things like: A new Key Indicator to track which is less active members with an activation date, and We also came up with a mission theme. The theme stems from when Elder Marcus B. Nash visited the mission and goes as follows. In this mission, we obey the Lord, whom we love, with a willing heart. It was great. After MLC, we worked on some things with the miles document and then got a call from the Monument Zone Leaders. Their car was in the shop being repaired and so they called us to see if they could come with us to do some missionary work. We worked around the area and then checked back at the shop but their car wasn't going to be finished until the next day. So we took the Elders up to their place and spent the night with them there so that they could have a ride to the church in the morning.
On Thursday, after we dropped off the Elders, we drove back to the springs and then went to go do service at the Ute Valley Park with the RMFI. So we spent most of the day restoring trails that people had created themselves. We first broke up the ground that the trail was made up of, and then we transplanted some of the natural vegetation from around the area onto the path, then we seeded the path with seeds that would grow over the social trail, and then covered the trail with pine needles, branches, and pine cones (which is apparently called duffing). It was a great hands on job that we got to do with some other missionaries. Afterward, we showered and then went to the Peterson AFB to help the Mechams with a dinner that they were having for anyone on base. We helped with dishes and then got to mingle with a lot of the people on base. That was great because we are not allowed to otherwise proselyte on base. We met a lot of people and I even met someone from good ol' Dove Creek, CO. It was a great opportunity for us and we were able to give a Book of Mormon to someone who was interested in learning more about Christ's ministry. We had another great lesson with Jimmy that evening and got a great discussion out of him! He is loving the gospel more and more and it is wonderful to see his faith grow stronger and stronger. We finished the night with a lesson at Greg and Shannon's They are just the most incredible people. Just about 4 months ago, they began investigating the church. I remember teaching them when I was a Zone Leader and was on exchanges in 5th ward. They have since quit heavy drinking and smoking, using drugs, turned their life around, and were baptized 40 days later. They have been sober ever since and have not missed one single week of church since. They are incredible and are one of the favorite places and people that I like to be around. It was a great lesson.
On Friday, we had a good zone training from the zone leaders, Elder Van Shaar and Elder Pexton. They talked about charity and some other things. For the activity, they had everyone split into 4 groups and create a song or a rap that related to charity:) Our group was pretty excited about our rap haha. When it ws our turn to present, we started with a good beat and the Elder Constantine rapped our lyrics. It was probably the best one;) Afterwards, we met with President Rehm and decided on who would be trainer candidates for the upcoming transfer. We also worked out another emergency transfer for an elder that would be going home for medical purposes. After the meeting, we went and had a lesson with Francis and Rafael again. We taught a little bit more about the Plan of Salvation, focusing on our divine nature and the fall of Adam and Eve. It went really well. Afterwards, we headed to Peterson AFB for dinner. Dinner was at the Taylor's and that was cool. Brother Taylor is a general for the Air Force and, from what I heard, is the only active duty LDS general in the Air Force. Dinner was great too.
On Saturday, we went on exchanges with the Springs and Fountain Zone Leaders. I went with Elder Van Shaar for the day and we had a great time:) After our studies, we went and visited one of the investigators they were having trouble contacting and were able to catch him at a good time! We talked about his struggles and were able to have him commit to come to church the next day! The rest of the exchange went really well, We were about to head to a baptism and then it started poring rain down on us. So we had to sprint the 50 yard length to the car and get going. We got soaked even in that short space! The baptism was for Lizzie, the lady we went hiking with to Mount Hermon. It was a great baptism and she was overjoyed at the great experience it was for her. We had a great rest of the day and then met up with each other's companions at night.
On Sunday, we had a great fast and testimony meeting. A ton of people that we didn't recognize showed up and bore some powerful testimonies. It was wonderful to have Jimmy there. I sat with him and he is progressing well. After church, we worked on some miles stuff for the mission and then had some lessons with the Greys and then the Fosters. All the Foster girls were hyper that night and it made the lesson fun and interesting:) We came back after a great day and a great week and got some rest.
Love you all and thanks for everything!
4090 Center Park Dr
Colorado Springs, Colorado
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