Monday, June 13, 2016

WEEK #46 - Castle Rock Zone, NEW COMPANION

Hey everyone! It's been a great week.

In Monday, everyone met together at the church to say goodbyes and hang out one last time. It was fun! We also went to the restaurant at the hospital and had some good stuff there. That night, we went to the haycocks and it was raining with thunder and lightning. So when we got there, they had no power in their home. that's when they fired up the grill and grilled us some salmon:) as we were eating, the power came back on and we were able to have a lesson not in the dark. We then went back to Castle Rock to help the Pettingills clean the last little bit of the church. Then they brought out some dessert for us because Elder Tibbitts was getting transferred.
On Tuesday, Elder Tibbitts finished packing all of his stuff and then we loaded it up in the truck. We met up with the castle pines elders and Elder Tibbitts drove down to the Springs with one of them. I stayed in Castle Rock with Elder Riley for a little bit. We went and grabbed lunch and then went to the Horsepower ranch for service. When we were done with that, we drove back to the church and met up with my new companion Elder Lloyd! I am so excited. We then went to dinner at the Bay's and Sister Bay made us some good fried chicken. We finished the night by going to the store and grabbing what Elder Lloyd needed. Elder Lloyd is from a really small town in northern Idaho called Kamiah. He came out with me last July and is a great guy.

On Wednesday, we went and did service at Task Force and had a lot of missionaries there to help. After we were done with that, we were walking around butterfield park and there was this stage set up with speakers and people waiting for something to happen. Turns out that every so often, they have this thing called music at the meadows, where a band or a singer will put on a free concert and tons of people will just come to listen. So we went around and talked to some people there. We then picked up dinner at the Greenhalgh's and had a good lesson with the Keiler's. After the lesson we went into their backyard and skated, or tried to skate, their half pipe:) then we went back up to the park and talked with everyone we could. It was pretty sweet.

On Thursday, we spent most of the morning planning and prepping Elder Lloyd on the area and on zone leader stuff. After lunch, we went and tried to contact some potential investigators. We actually were able to get in with one of them whose name is JoAnn. I would say that she is in her later 50s. Anyways, we had a great first lesson and she asked a lot of questions about the restoration and about the Plan of Salvation. A lot of them required us to give delicate answers, and we are grateful for the spirit's guidance in our answers. After each of our answers, she would say "oh that makes sense" or "yeah I believe that" it was a great first lesson and she accepted the invitation to read and pray about the Book of Mormon! It was pretty good. After that we had dinner at the Robinson's and then headed off to mutual to help the scouts with building a radio. After that, we had a quick lesson with Ammon on forgiveness.
On Friday, we went to district meeting and are now in Elder Taylor's district. It was a good meeting and afterwards, we went to Costa Vida for lunch. When we came back, we went and did service at Bonaventure. We played UNO for a little bit and then went into the foyer to hear a guy sing hymns to everyone. After that, we went over to Jake Rolfson's house to prep him for the lesson we were going to take him with for Noe. Then we went to our lesson with Noe and had a really good talk about Priesthood authority. He is a pretty great guy:) afterwards we had dinner with sister Alvarez and it was delicious. Good ol authentic Mexican food. After that, Elder Lloyd go to meet up with some friends of his from his town and have a good time.
On Saturday, we got on our bikes and went out because there was a community garage sale going on in all of the meadows. So we would go from garage sale to garage sale talking with people and seeing if there was anything interesting haha. In the afternoon, we helped a family move into the ward, it was a little different because the mother and daughter are both deaf. It took a good while but we were able to knock it out:) after that, we got to drive down to the Springs for a baptism that Elder Lloyd helped with. As we were driving down, we were backed up for miles in traffic due to an accident and we were crunching on time. We had brought clothes to change into but when we got there, we just went in still in our service clothes. We made it just in time because she was baptized right after we showed up. It was really great for the family to have him there. I can tell that he really made an impact in their lives. We drove back and had great lessons at the Prescott's and the Neilsen's.
On Sunday, we went to church and Noe came as well! It was a good meeting and Noe stayed the whole time. He contributed really well to the gospel principles lesson and was also able to witness us give a blessing of healing to Jonah Arocho. It was great or both Noe and Jonah to have that. After church, we had a good dinner and lesson with the Glancy family and then had to go to a just serve meeting. Afterwards, we had a good lesson with the Karrens and then wrapped up the night with a lesson with Bishop's family and then coordination.
It was a great week and I am looking forward to the miracles and blessings that will come from the hard work and diligence that is required. Love you all, but I love my mission more;)
Elder LaRose

4358 Sawmill Court
Castle Rock, CO 80109

4090 Center Park Drive Ste 4
Colorado Springs, CO 80916

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